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For Developers

The name of the package is roverlib which is the same as the module that is then imported by end users (pip install roverlib and import roverlib to keep consistency).

The following directory structure aims to separate library code from testing code:

  • src/roverlib - contains all source code of the library
  • tests/ - contains python files that will all be part of the testing process

This repository is self-contained and relies heavily on uv for dependency management and building packages. The most important commands are wrapped by Makefile targets:

  • make build - builds the library to dist/ and installs it locally for quick testing
  • make test - runs all files in the tests/ directory
  • make publish-test - requires setting an external token with export UV_PUBLISH_TOKEN=pypi-abc... and uploads to pypi's test
  • make publish - requires setting an external token with export UV_PUBLISH_TOKEN=pypi-def... and uploads to the official pypi index

Before running the make publish* targets, make sure to set the correct token depending on which index you are uploading to.