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The util-WebController receives debug information through the util-ForwardingServer. It parses the debug information and charts quantifiable data where applicable. It can also show live camera feeds or use bandwidth-efficient canvas drawings.

Runs on user's laptop
Fully containerized using Docker, images available here
Adheres to Makefile spec
Source code is confidentially available using your Github token
Does not use service.yaml
Does not register with SystemManager


  • Automatically parses incoming debug information and charts quantifiable data where applicable
  • Visualizes dependency graphs and shows all running services with their configurations
  • Lists available (OTA) tuning parameters and configurations and enables OTA tuning where
  • Uses the Gamepad API to allow Rover1 steering and acceleration using a PS4, PS5 or xbox controller

Running this utility


If you are running this utility on an ARM device (such as M1 macs), we recommend running this utility through Docker compose for improved performance.

  1. Download and run the latest docker image.
docker run --rm -p 5173:5173 --pull=always --name web-ui aselabsvu/web-ui:latest

Instead of using :latest, you can use a version tag as listed here.

Finally, access the WebController at localhost:5173 to confirm that it is running and start using it.